Picture Albums

Current Albums

Album Added May 2009  View View 73 photos
This album was created by Derek Quinn and is available to everyone. Currently active.
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Album Buildings   View View 7 photos
This album was created by Derek Quinn and is available to everyone. Currently active.
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Album Calton Past  View View 35 photos
Pictures of Calton in days gone by...
This album was created by Web Administrator and is available to everyone. Currently active.
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Album landscape/monuments   View View 4 photos
This album was created by Derek Quinn and is available to everyone. Currently active.
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Album Mixed bag....  View View 26 photos
variety of local photographs
This album was created by Derek Quinn and is available to everyone. Currently active.
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Album People  View View 4 photos
This album was created by Derek Quinn and is available to everyone. Currently active.
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Album Pubs /Shops  View View 2 photos
This album was created by Derek Quinn and is available to everyone. Currently active.
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